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3rd Biennial Meeting:  San Antonio, TX, June 2015

Final Program

4th Biennial Meeting:  Birmingham, AL, July 2017


1st Semi-Annual Virtual Meeting:  November 10th, 2020

2 P.M. - 5 P.M., EST

TOPIC: Vaccine Research and Development


5th Biennial Meeting:  La Jolla, CA July 11-12, 2019


5th USOM 2019 group pic.jpg

2nd Biennial Meeting:  Baltimore, MD, June 2013


As useful as videoconferencing can be in some situations, and despite the efficiency it offers in terms of reducing the need for travel, it cannot replace the value of physical participation in a scientific conference. 




Keith Seitter, CCM, AMS Executive Director





Conference attendees might hear a talk that catalyzes an 'aha moment.' It may come from sitting in on a session whose topics are purportedly tangential at best. But as most of us have learned, interesting ideas can spring from listening outside the box. 



Janet Raloff, Science Daily News


Many other scientific societies and associations –particularly those in the basic sciences –feature a number of programs to get student involved in their disciplines. Although the advent of the e-mail has largely supplanted the necessity of face-to-face conversations, this cross-fertilization of ideas still takes place during academic conferences.



Yoo Jung Kim, PLoS Blogs


Inaugural Meeting:  Fort Worth, TX, June 2011


Schematic representation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae based on simultaneous  transcriptomic, proteomic, and tomography studies in one of the first complete "systems biology" reports [Image: Kuhner et al., 2009]

Septic joint in a chicken with avian mycoplasmosis due to Mycoplasma synoviae  [Image: Ferguson-Noel 2010]

Chest X-ray indicating "walking pneumonia" caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, in a human [Image: Lukesh Guglani]

House finch conjunctivitis caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum following a host jump from poultry serves as an excellent model for studying emerging infectious diseases [Image:Ley et al., 1997]

A colony of  Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri  JCVIsyn1.0, the world's first synthetically  created organism [Image: Gibson et al., 2010]

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, a feature of porcine respiratory disease complex, attaching to swine cilia to establish infection 

[Image: F. C. Minion]

Ribosomal phylogram  representing all 3 domains of life.  The class Mollicutes (indicated) show the deepest branches, and appear to be among the most rapidly evolving living things [Image: M. May, via iTOL]

Scanning electron microscopy images of  Mycoplasma amphoriforme in process of dividing, as indicated by multiple attachment organelles 

 [Image: Hatchel et al., 2006]

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