Discussion Board
Online Tools and Resources
USOM in Social Media
"Mycoplasmas and Related Organisms" in The Practical Handbook of Microbiology
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations' EOLSS Mycoplasmology Resources
Tools and Resources
Related Organizations
The International Organization for Mycoplasmology
​The IOM on Facebook
The upcoming IOM Congress is in Brisbane, Australia July 2016
American Society for Microbiology, Division G
​The upcoming ASM Microbe meeting is in Boston, MA June 2016
European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Study Group for Mycoplasma Infections​
2015 Program
International Research Programme for Comparative Mycoplasmology
Australian Society for Microbiology, Division of Medical and Veterinary Microbiology, Special Interest Group for Mycoplasmatales
International Committee for the Systematics of Prokaryotes Subcommittee for the Taxonomy of Mollicutes
The Mollicutes Collection of Cultures and Antisera
Funding Sources
USOM member laboratories are currently or previously funded by:
The National Institutes of Health
The National Science Foundation
The United States Department of Agriculture
Morris Animal Foundation
Binational Agricultural Research Development Fund
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Department of Homeland Security
March of Dimes
American Lung Association
United States Department of Defense
United States Egg and Poultry Association
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Robert M. Fisher Foundation
The Minnesota Pork Board

Schematic representation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae based on simultaneous transcriptomic, proteomic, and tomography studies in one of the first complete "systems biology" reports [Image: Kuhner et al., 2009]

Septic joint in a chicken with avian mycoplasmosis due to Mycoplasma synoviae [Image: Ferguson-Noel 2010]

Chest X-ray indicating "walking pneumonia" caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, in a human [Image: Lukesh Guglani]
House finch conjunctivitis caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum following a host jump from poultry serves as an excellent model for studying emerging infectious diseases [Image:Ley et al., 1997]

A colony of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri JCVIsyn1.0, the world's first synthetically created organism [Image: Gibson et al., 2010]

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, a feature of porcine respiratory disease complex, attaching to swine cilia to establish infection
[Image: F. C. Minion]

Ribosomal phylogram representing all 3 domains of life. The class Mollicutes (indicated) show the deepest branches, and appear to be among the most rapidly evolving living things [Image: M. May, via iTOL]

Scanning electron microscopy images of Mycoplasma amphoriforme in process of dividing, as indicated by multiple attachment organelles
[Image: Hatchel et al., 2006]